Game is Over
· We are blessed as a nation but unfortunately we never found a sincere, committed and competent leadership. The leaders which were imposed on us were corrupt, incompetent and selfish. They never cared for the people and their problems. All they did was to loot public money through kickbacks, commissions or bank loan defaults. These corrupt leaders served only their own interests and as a result our country fell into the deep problems. Illiteracy, extremism, high inflation and poor law and order situation are few to name. National institutions are on the brink of full destruction because of out of merit appointments of their own cronies. Tens of public enterprises are bank corrupt and are extra burden on the national exchequer. There is no vision of the national future policy, no economic and foreign policy. Our national economics is at the mercy of the loans from IMF and World bank. Every day thousands of our poor slip below poverty line, and still our corrupt and sham democratic leaders enjoy their lives in their palaces at the expense of the tax payers.
· Rich and powerful do not pay taxes while still they get the most of the benefits. Poor only gets lashes in the form of everyday petroleum or electricity price hikes. Our industry is at stand still because of severe lack of energy. Whereas our rulers, both existing and previous, have done nothing.
· Wrong priorities at the top, incompetent people appointed at the critical posts and total lack of will has led to the present situation which has made the lives of the poor even more miserable. There is no hope from any of these leaders as they support only themselves.