If you wish to be heard in the noise of this world, let your soul be dominated by a single idea. It is the man with a single idea who creates political and social revolutions, establishes empires and gives law to the world.Allama Iqbal (RA
O Allah, grant us this piece of land where we would be able to live our lives in accordance with the laws given to us by You in the Quran, and exemplified for us by the most revered and beloved, Syyedina RasulAllah (SAW).This was the prayer throbbing in every true Muslim's heart in the pre-partition subcontinent, and then with eager ears and tearful eyes, they ultimately heard the announcement: "This is radio Pakistan".
Thus began the largest migration recorded in history and the heavens also witnessed the most brutal massacre of humanity ever. Those who had dwelled as next-door neighbors for decades became scavengers over night. Train after train entered Lahore, carrying the mutilated, slaughtered bodies of Muslim immigrants, caravan after caravan was attacked and no one spared, elderly, infants, young innocent girls, pregnant women, unarmed men, all were preys to the beasts of revenge. Most of our elders paid a very heavy price for the fulfillment of this dream, they were either slaughtered or lost everything they owned; the nation lost many of its gems. They stayed back and sent their loved ones ahead with the confidence that they will fulfill the promise and complete the dream.
However, unfortunately after the death of our beloved Quaid, no one worthy or competent enough to shoulder the responsibility of fulfilling this promise appeared on the scene. The most incompetent, corrupt and soul less of all, governed this sacred land of ours.
It is a colossal undertaking, an enterprise of splendid daring as well as intense passion to rekindle the spark of self-respect, dignity and honor in an environment where complacency, confusion and cowardice reign supreme: A state to which the feeble-minded adjust and pessimistically resign.
In such despondent times, a soul dominated by a single purpose shone brilliantly amidst the shadows of utter despair. Syed Zaid Hamid, a man with a monumental mission, made his first mainstream media appearance on Ptv, in the current affairs program, World View, in the year 2007.However, this was just the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Mr Zaid Hamid had already been actively working towards defending Pakistan's Islamic ideology and identity as a Security and Defense Analyst at BrassTacks, since the year 2000. Thus had begun a journey of unflinching commitment towards preparing the groundwork for the establishment of a truly Islamic state as envisioned by Allama Iqbal (RA) and founded by Quaid-e-Azam (RA).
The BrassTacks programs aired on News1 comprised of some of the most profound and significant series in sequential discussions, expositions and effective solutions regarding critical subjects that had never been discussed in the main stream media: Programs on Economic Terrorism, CIA Threats to Pakistan, Zionist Wars against Islam and Role of Spiritual Forces in War, are to name but a few. Mr. Hamid's accurate analysis and revelations presented in these and a score of other such programs, infused a unique sense of awareness in the viewers, especially the youth within Pakistan as well as abroad. Running parallel to the series of defense and strategic analysis were Mr. Hamid's panoramic presentations tracing the glorious genesis of Muslim Military history from the earliest conquests to the present times in the 29 episodes of "Yeh Ghazi" series.
Quroon-e-Oola and Iqbal ka Pakistan were two programs running simultaneously on News1 and Aag TV, respectively. Both these series were of phenomenal significance, pertaining to the most significant achievements of the Muslim civilization and exploring the very achievable goals and possibilities of reclaiming our lost glorious status by following Iqbal's pragmatism and philosophy. Consecutively, along with these and many more programs on the mainstream media, a massive amount of work was being conducted by Mr. Hamid personally on the internet, through written articles and books as well as within the BrassTacks think tank itself.
The year 2009 witnessed the so called "disillusioned" Pakistani youth moved to manic patriotism by the charismatically inspirational public appearance and speeches of Mr. Zaid Hamid. Lahore was honored and enthralled to host the first event of the Wake Up Pakistan series in October, 2009, which came full circle with its culmination in Lahore once again in February, 2010. Mr. Hamid travelled to various major cities across the country, including Islamabad, Karachi, Peshawar, Faisalabad and Sargodha, reawakening the latent spirit of Ishq and Junoon for Pak Sarzameen in the hearts and souls of the Pakistani masses.
Ironically, as this spiritual and patriotic reawakening gained momentum, the enigmatic Zaid Hamid began to be viewed as a threat and a clear and present danger by the complacent, the confused and the cowardly, on the state as well as individual levels. A massive smear campaign was initiated against him, maligning the man, his faith and his mission. However, undaunted by this onslaught of immoral and unlawful allegations, Mr. Hamid persevered in his objectives, and triumphantly proved the strength of his faith and commitment on the historic day of March 23rd, 2010, by passing the Takmeel-e-Pakistan Resolution. This was an event that marked a different kind of history and defeated all defeatist ideologies that stood in the path of truth and faith. Success and fulfillment of purpose on such a large scale is bound to breed controversies, but Mr. Hamid continued through this odyssey in a steadfast but humble manner. He is being continually invited as the chief speaker by various prestigious clubs, colleges and universities to speak on strategic, security and economic issues as well as for lectures on the revival of khudi and to present the true essence of Iqbal's message to the present and the future generations of Pakistan.
The International think tanks and media, especially the Americans and Iranians have distinctively noticed him as well. A New York Times article and documentary specially featured the impact his so falsely termed "conspiracy theories" have on the Pakistani youth. Iranian Press TV presented a detailed and exclusive documentary on his background, ideology, and think tank. Both Press TV and Al-Jazeera invite him as a regular guest to hear his distinct and daring opinion and analysis of issues focusing on Pakistan's role in the region, American policies towards it, and the increasingly deteriorating situation of American WOT in Afghanistan. Even the skeptics are now forced to see every situation with the "Zaid Hamid" angle in advance in order to have answers ready for his questions and opinions, and the nation waits in anticipation to hear his perspective about these issues.
On 5thDecember, 2010, Mr. Zaid Hamid gave a 50 minute interview to Mark Glenn on an alternative media forum, The Ugly Truth, based in the USA. His views and analysis on the geo-political situation in the region and the dynamics of the Fourth Generation War waged in and around our homeland, resonated through the air-waves with the usual forceful impact.
In June 2010 BrassTacks also launched its Monthly Security Review for public perusal. A ground breaking original academic work on regional geo-politics which is now decisively shaping the security and political profile of Pakistan. Also, since the last eleven years, BrassTacks has been producing weekly Security Reports and Threat Analysis for Pakistan, which are taken as benchmark analysis on national security issues by National Policy makers as well as major corporate entities.
Mr. Zaid Hamid's most recent and exceptionally heartwarming and spiritually uplifting program, Halqa-e-Yaran, aired on Royal News, is a milestone of incomparable significance. Here, he analyzes and interprets the quintessential meaning and symbolism of Iqbal's poetry, aligning it with the teachings of the Quran and Seerat-e-Nabi (SAW) revealing yet another facet of his own multi dimentional personality.
Perspectives have changed, personalities have altered and characters have been refined with the restoration of hope and faith, as Mr. Zaid Hamid became a household name in various circles of Pakistani society at home and abroad. This document is an attempt to catalogue the numerous tasks accomplished during the course of an ongoing epic journey, selflessly undertaken for a sublime purpose by a humble yet relentless servant of Allah (SWT) and Rasool-Allah (SAW).
Pakistan Zindabad !